Netflix can withstand $52 bln mouse-and-fox attack 14 Dec 2017 Disney is creating a direct-to-consumer entertainment giant with its Twenty-First Century Fox deal. That puts Reed Hastings’ streaming outfit in the crosshairs. But Netflix’s content investments are already paying off, and it's not distracted by integration or antitrust issues.
Disney deal widens Murdoch legacy, erases discount 14 Dec 2017 It’s paying $52.4 bln in stock to own a slimmed-down Fox, including the movie studio. CEO Bob Iger is extending his stay again. The historic deal pushes Rupert Murdoch’s empire into the Magic Kingdom, and long-suffering Fox shareholders will finally get a happy ending.
Fox deal will test Disney’s chief Mouseketeer 13 Dec 2017 The Mouse House is close to buying some of Rupert Murdoch’s media empire, to better compete with Netflix. Fox assets are an odd fit and regulators may not like Disney expanding in sports and movies. Boss Bob Iger has pulled off other surprising deals. This is a different league.
T-Mobile’s conquer-or-sell strategy gets TV rerun 13 Dec 2017 The wireless carrier has prospered despite failed merger bids from AT&T and Sprint with customer-friendly policies and price cuts. Now it seeks a repeat in pay-TV. Cable companies are disliked, creating an opening, but their control of the last mile may mean a different endgame.
The Force could be with Disney-Fox deal 6 Dec 2017 The Magic Kingdom is eyeing parts of Rupert Murdoch’s $60 bln empire. Disney would add to its clout with global outlets and film and cable content. The Murdochs, meanwhile, may fancy shares in a bigger group. A tie-up could help with succession problems at both companies, too.
New Delhi bowls Rupert Murdoch a bouncer 4 Dec 2017 Star India may be forced to share its $2.5 bln cricket rights with a state broadcaster if the league is deemed of “national importance.” That might score the government some points. For Murdoch, who is fielding interest for parts of his Fox empire, it would be a sticky wicket.
Fox hunt gives Murdoch rare chance to play defense 16 Nov 2017 The acquisitive media mogul who once put Dow Jones into play now finds himself a target. Comcast, Verizon and Disney want portions of the Fox empire. Rupert Murdoch has been an able hunter, but if he's reluctant prey he may need protection from reinvigorated U.S. trustbusters.
Fake news clouds real AT&T-Time Warner concerns 15 Nov 2017 America's No. 2 phone company cites 40 years of merger approvals as reasons why its $85 bln takeover should pass muster. A shifting media landscape might justify a new approach. The U.S. president's vitriol over the fate of CNN, which Time Warner owns, is an unhelpful distraction.
BT’s dividend signal faces interference 1 Nov 2017 The British telco has pledged to keep lifting payouts to shareholders despite the burden of pension payments, rising capex and sports rights. Dividends could suck up almost all its free cash over the next three years. A 6 percent yield suggests investors think it’s at risk.
Vivendi can unlock more time to stalk Ubisoft 1 Nov 2017 French laws may soon force the media conglomerate chaired by Vincent Bolloré to decide whether to bid for the 7 bln euro video-games group. He has more choices than putting up or shutting up. Vivendi can duck the decision by converting part of its stake into non-voting stock.
Comcast earns its peacock feathers 26 Oct 2017 The $170 bln U.S. media firm was early and careful expanding beyond cable pipes. Two examples are its purchase of NBC Universal and its recently launched wireless service. Comcast stock has trounced Verizon and AT&T. Brian Roberts’ company has even topped Disney’s market cap.
Netflix valuation outstrips burgeoning opportunity 16 Oct 2017 The $86 bln video-streaming service hit an all-time high after Comcast and AT&T warned of a fall in subscribers. Pay-TV customers cutting the cord should mean more viewers for Netflix. But even that and a recent fee hike don’t justify the firm trading at a sky-high multiple.
NFL fumble leaves broadcasters facing the penalty 25 Sep 2017 President Trump is attacking football players who don’t stand for the national anthem. But falling TV ratings are a deeper-seated problem for the sport. The likes of Disney and Fox that shelled out billions for the rights face pain. But CBS could be in for a major sack.
Roku IPO warrants swimming against stream 18 Sep 2017 The TV-gadget maker may capitalize further on the cord-cutting trend. Some 15 mln accounts are helping grow revenue and reshape the business model. A $1.3 bln valuation is lofty, though, if TiVo and Pandora are guides. Elusive profit and a dual-class structure are also turnoffs.
Cheap data feeds Murdoch’s Indian cricket pitch 7 Sep 2017 Rupert Murdoch-backed Star India is paying $2.6 bln for IPL rights, outbidding new rivals like Facebook. The huge sum highlights the sport’s rapid rise and a rush to secure local content. Cheap mobile data could help lure the viewers and advertisers needed for this to pay off.
Trump may unite Congress – against him 31 Aug 2017 The U.S. runs out of money in a month and the president is attacking lawmakers in his own party. That could prompt Republicans and Democrats to work together to keep the lights on. Plus: Rupert Murdoch could be overpaying for Sky.
Murdoch’s Sky bid looks ever less rational 22 Aug 2017 The media mogul’s Fox last year offered 11.7 bln pounds for the 61 pct it doesn’t own of the pay-TV firm. Sky’s subscriber growth has since slowed and a regulatory review has brought political heat. It may not stop him, but Rupert Murdoch will struggle to make the deal pay.
Netflix losing Disney sounds like an HBO sequel 9 Aug 2017 “Cars” and other Magic Kingdom fare will be yanked from the $75 bln streaming service. Time Warner’s pay-TV network also once grew so popular that Hollywood studios started rival options. Like HBO in the 1980s, Netflix has enough subscribers and original programming to thrive.
Discovery, Scripps tie-up a subscale DIY fix 19 Jul 2017 The cable network part-owned by John Malone may be in talks to combine with its smaller peer. A deal with the producer of HGTV would give Discovery more clout with distributors, but it would still be a bit player in a fast-changing industry. Bigger pockets might get the job done.
Netflix triggers shareholders’ Pavlovian response 17 Jul 2017 The video-streaming service added more subscribers than expected in the quarter and grew operating income, up 83 pct, faster than revenue. That sent shares soaring, even though expected profitability falls a long way short of being able to justify the stock’s fairy-tale multiple.