Oaktree can still score a skilful goal with Inter 6 Jun 2024 The US fund ended up owning the loss-making Italian club after the previous owner missed a payment. Fetching valuations similar to what Elliott secured for rival AC Milan looks tricky. Yet American interest in soccer and on-field success point to a sale price exceeding $1 bln.
Investors are hunting securitization’s oddballs 4 Jun 2024 Whether a bundt cake bakery or an internet address, if it generates steady cash, it can be diced up in the financial alchemy of securitization. In this Exchange podcast, Janus Henderson’s John Kerschner explains the promise and perils, and why the oddest assets can be the best.
Russian bond rout raises risk of financial crunch 4 Jun 2024 Yields on the country’s debt are at 20-year highs on worries about the budget largesse lavished on the economy. With inflation rising and interest rates at 16%, President Vladimir Putin’s desire to keep funding the conflict in Ukraine could result in lasting fiscal turmoil.
Donald Trump verdict judged leniently by investors 31 May 2024 The former US president joins Italy’s Berlusconi and other politicians in the criminal hall of shame. He also may yet be re-elected, but there’s no extra risk being imputed to the country’s debt, currency or markets. However robust the system, sanctioned wrongdoing will erode it.
Saudi expands strategic toolbox with Lenovo deal 29 May 2024 A PIF unit is the sole investor in the laptop maker’s $2 bln convertible bond. It pays no interest and can’t be swapped for stock until 2027. The real value to the kingdom is Lenovo’s pledge to build a new factory and regional HQ there to bolster Riyadh’s manufacturing goals.
China cashes in banking chips for tech drive 28 May 2024 Beijing's latest $48 bln semiconductor fund is its third and largest. Unlike earlier efforts, which have relied on cash-strapped local governments, the fund counts major lenders like ICBC as investors. It marks a new and riskier phase of China's tech self-sufficiency ambitions.
Japan’s new widowmaker trade may have shorter life 23 May 2024 For more than two decades, investors who bet against Japanese government bonds lost their shirts. Taking a long position in the yen has been similarly painful recently as the currency dropped by 50% against the dollar. Yet there are several reasons why the slide could reverse.
China’s 25% bond spike shows rational exuberance 23 May 2024 Retail investors pushed up prices of 30-year sovereign notes on their debut. The brief surge echoes how they receive IPOs and underscores voracious demand for safe havens. It will tempt Beijing to channel excessive savings of households into the $4 trln government bond market.
The world can survive a strong dollar – for now 13 May 2024 The greenback has gained 17% against major currencies in three years. Other countries avoided repeating past crises through better fiscal policies and less foreign borrowing. But in the long run a mighty buck will put economies under stress, especially in emerging markets.
Securitization limbers up for the oddball Olympics 8 May 2024 The race is on to find esoteric assets that can be sliced, diced and sold to investors. Taco Bell receipts, IP addresses and Picassos have so far cleared the bar. While many buyers of the $150 bln-plus in unusual deals will recoup their gold, some may overstretch.
Alstom cash call is just first stop on rescue ride 8 May 2024 The indebted French train maker announced a 1 bln euro capital hike, which was smaller than it could have been thanks to funky hybrid debt. The next job for boss Henri Poupart-Lafarge is to generate cash. A fast-growing industry backdrop gives investors a reason to hop aboard.
China property fix aims to restock speculation 6 May 2024 Reducing unsold inventory is Beijing’s latest directive and replaces the mantra “houses are for living in, not for speculation”. It’s a prelude to removing some investment curbs. Allowing people to get rich off the sector is a necessary evil to restore overall confidence.
Exxon and gas markets tell different stories 26 Apr 2024 CEO Darren Woods denies fossil fuels are in decline, thanks to growing populations and rising petrochemicals demand. Yet a glut of natural gas – which reined in quarterly profit at Exxon and rival Chevron – is a real problem, and one that could weigh on prices for a long time.
US economy is a victim of its own success 25 Apr 2024 The United States emerged as the world’s growth engine at the IMF summit last week. In this Viewsroom podcast, Breakingviews columnists debate whether this debt-fuelled strength means that interest rates will stay high for longer and how that could raise the risk of a recession.
Macron wades into a very French debt crisis 24 Apr 2024 Some investors are avoiding the country’s bonds after its budget deficit topped 5% of GDP. Paris is unlikely to require an IMF or European bailout. But President Emmanuel Macron has to bring public finances under control. That will come at a heavy political and economic price.
Swedes’ gaming split is far from a next-level fix 22 Apr 2024 Struggling $3 bln Embracer will divide itself into three discrete companies. Leveraging up the group’s board games arm and splitting out hit-and-miss blockbusters and steadier mobile games makes sense. But it’s unlikely to unlock value akin to the Swedish firm’s glory days.
Telecom tycoon ensnared by his hefty debt machine 18 Apr 2024 Patrick Drahi built the ocean-spanning Altice empire on the back of aggressive dealmaking and $60 bln of borrowing. The bill is coming due with interest rates elevated. In this Viewsroom podcast, Breakingviews columnists discuss what comes next as bondholders get restless.
Why rich nations have to keep helping poorer ones 16 Apr 2024 The world faces many onerous financial and climate challenges. Still, as Axel van Trotsenburg, the World Bank’s Senior Managing Director, explains in this Exchange podcast, governments and companies in advanced economies cannot afford to stop supporting developing ones.
Look out for a return of the US bond rollercoaster 16 Apr 2024 As short-term interest rates spiked, longer-term borrowing costs have lagged. The yield on three-month US Treasury bonds has exceeded the return on 10-year securities for 76 weeks, a near record. If this anomaly unwinds, falling bond prices could hurt fund managers and Uncle Sam.
How Patrick Drahi can clamber out of his debt hole 11 Apr 2024 The tycoon’s Altice telecom empire is straining under $60 bln of borrowings, and creditors of its French unit are gunning for a fight. Yet loose bond terms, and the debt’s low trading prices, lend Drahi an escape route. He just needs to hope investors have short memories.