How Ferrovial squared the circle 26 Jul 2006 The answer is an unusual financing technique used by UK water companies. But for this to work, existing BAA bondholders must buy in. The mystery was always how Ferrovial could borrow £12bn equivalent to three times leverage and keep BAA's credit rating.
New LBO record a fading target 19 Jul 2006 Wall Street's hopes for a buyout bigger than RJR now look dubious as financing costs are surging amid heightened risk aversion. Deals already done, like Toys R Us, are struggling to refinance. And an $18bnplus LBO of HCA was scuppered by growing borrowing costs.
Eurotunnel management hides behind courts 17 Jul 2006 It s a clever tactic for Eurotunnel to ask the French courts for help by filing for safeguard bankruptcy protection. It takes the pressure off management to hammer out a deal. If negotiations fail, at least Eurotunnel can say it wasn t entirely its fault.
Moody’s and S&P have little to fear from reform 14 Jul 2006 Government regulation currently limits entry into the ratings business. Washington intends to change these rules. But the market share of leading raters is unlikely to decline. That's because the business is a natural monopoly.
Eurotunnel should level with shareholders 13 Jul 2006 Talks are bogged down because the board is reluctant to tell investors the ugly truth. Its latest wheeze: to file for protection. This may be understandable given the directors came to power on a shareholder revolt. But shareholders may get less in the long run.
Wellcome Trust taps exuberant credit markets 3 Jul 2006 The £12bn UK charity is borrowing £500m at ultralow rates for 30 years and using the proceeds for investment. Loose credit markets make this a smart bit of arbitrage. Unfortunately, few other European charities are likely to follow.
Goldman’s Eurotunnel plan isn’t greedy 28 Jun 2006 The investment bank and its partners are paying a reasonable price for the tunnel owner. It won t be easy to get a good return. Some investors are unhappy. But they would have more credibility if they explained their plan and said if they would put up more cash.
Eurotunnel uses questionable tactic 28 Jun 2006 The company has asked regulators to examine the actions of junior creditors who have come up with a rival restructuring plan. Eurotunnel may hope this will pressurise bondholders into negotiations. But it doesn t seem like the creditors have done anything wrong.
European hybrids could be past their sell-by date 26 Jun 2006 Riskaverse investors have been dumping the once popular hybrid bonds, causing prices to fall off a cliff. That doesn't bode well for companies planning to use them for financing. It is also a sign that leverage levels in M&A may have peaked.
Bond investors claw back some power 22 Jun 2006 Judging by recent bond issues by Saint Gobain and Bayer, bond investors are becoming more risk averse and more demanding. That said, issuers still have the whip hand. There s still a lot of liquidity sloshing around and pricing remains tight for now.
BAA bondholders may skewer Ferrovial 22 Jun 2006 The Spanish group may have to buy back some of BAA's bonds at a fat premium because of the leverage it plans to load on the UK group. It is sometimes possible to negotiate around such clauses. But Ferrovial s highly geared bid makes bondholders likely to press for an exit.
Are zombie equities a new asset class? 20 Jun 2006 Traders disappointed by the measly returns on distressed debt have started snatching up bankrupt companies shares instead. The returns can be phenomenal. But the risks are much higher. Shareholders in bankrupt firms usually walk away with nothing.
GM bankruptcy could boost bondholders 16 Jun 2006 CEO Rick Wagoner says filing for Chapter 11 would be a bad strategy . But it might give bondholders a chance to get some money back. Distressed debt traders starved of new opportunities would pounce on GM s $30bn debt pile. That could push up prices.
Bond conundrum is back 14 Jun 2006 A few months ago, it looked like Greenspan s 2005 puzzle low yields in a strong economy was on the way to a solution. Not any more. US yields are down in the midst of an inflation scare. Why? Perhaps a lurking recession, or maybe just uneconomic bond buyers.
Eurotunnel’s most junior creditors win battle 14 Jun 2006 The channel tunnel operator's lowestranking creditors have rightly been given extra time to come up with a rival restructuring plan. This is a welcome shift from the our way or the highway rhetoric of last month and should give a better result for all stakeholders.
GUS right to defy testy bondholders over demerger 1 Jun 2006 The retailtobusinessinformation company plans to cram all its debt onto one side of the company even though bondholders want a buyback. But this isn't a case of highhanded management railroading bondholders. GUS is actually behaving perfectly reasonably.
Citigroup promises fight over Eurotunnel 31 May 2006 The Channel Tunnel operator thought its deal with Goldman Sachs and Macquarie Bank was sewn up. Now it may have to think again. The US bank claims to have formed a restructuring plan that may leave more for shareholders and junior creditors than Eurotunnel's proposal.
Herding hedge funds may cause more wobbles 22 May 2006 Last week's steep stock market falls had less to do with fundamentals and more with hedge funds placing the same bet on low volatility. Central bankers are warning that many market bets may be predicated on benign markets. There may be more shakeouts if volatility rises.
Job moves may signal top of LBO market 19 May 2006 You don't have to analyse leverage multiples to see if the market has peaked. Just look at the many leveraged loan bankers changing jobs. When bankers move to lock in guarantees, it's a sign they see future pay falling. The more that move, the more likely the top has gone.
Hybrid could placate angry Eurotunnel investors 16 May 2006 The convertible bond would put off for three years the dilution shareholders would face in a debt restructuring. It might pass muster with lenders too if only because it's possibly their least worst option.